Dr. Hill is a Neuroscientist and neurotherapist who founded the Peak Brain Institute. In this episode we discuss neurofeedback, biofeedback, brain mapping and more. For these show notes we decided to explain the various terms used throughout the episode. So if you haven't listened to this episode CLICK HERE now. Come back after for the show notes:
♡ Definitions
Involves the use of visual or auditory feedback to control involuntary functions.
Neurotherapy or Neurofeedback
a subtype of biofeedback that uses brain activity to teach self-regulation of brain function. It is related to the use of both positive and negative feedback.
aka sensorimotor rhythm is a brain wave rhythm that is typically recorded during EEG (a monitoring method that records electrical activity of the brain) analysis.
SMR decreases in amplitude when you activate particular sensory and motor areas of the brain.
The typical range of SMR is between 12 and 16 Hz.
For example, it is believed that poor SMR can be found when you're sleeping or in patient's with ADHD.
Neurofeedback may increase SMR activity which may assist people with ADHD, epilepsy, autism and other learning difficulties. This can also be used for sports training, among others.
♡ The Process
When you come in it takes about 25 minutes to sit and click through a screen. Here, they are trying to tease apart different things and take baseline measurements. Then they do an EEG which takes about 10 minutes and measures various brain waves with your eyes open and closed. Then your information is compared to a database of people who are similar to you. At this time, they assess your brain mapping with your executive functioning. After this, you can figure out which things you want to work on (if any).
♡ History
EEG was first discovered in 1924 by Hans Berger.
G. Dietsch was the first researcher of quantitative EEG in 1932.
In the 1960s, Joe Kamiya made neurofeedback popular by conducting alpha brain wave experiments.
Alpha waves are connected with relaxation and this form of training was popularized with respect to stress alleviation.
Barbara Brown popularized biofeedback in the late 60s and early 70s making the public aware of this type of therapy with various publications.
Barry Sterman and Joel F. Lubar were some of the pioneers that have been heavily involved in the study of beta training which was utilized for the treatment of ADHD and epilepsy. Sterman conducted these studies on monkeys and cats.
Different types of training have since emerged including alpha-theta to target people with addictions and anxiety.
♡ Secret Tips/Neurohacks
Perfect Eating & Sleeping by doing the following:
1. Don't eat before bed
2. Don't have lights over your head
(When it comes to your circadian rhythm the intensity matters not the color)
3. Get up at the same time (it's not when you go to sleep but when you get up)
4. Exercise
♡ Where to find Dr. Andrew Hill
You can find more information here: Peak Brain Institute
Instagram: @PeakBrainLA
That's all for this week, don't forget to leave us feedback, rate, review, subscribe and send in your questions so we can continue to improve as well as, provide you high quality content.
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